Request for Applications: Duke Quality Improvement

The Duke Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Open School, in partnership with Healthy Durham 20/20, is pleased to announce its 2nd Annual Request for Applications (RFA) for quality improvement projects that promote community-based improvements to health and healthcare.

Applications are open to faculty, staff and students of Duke University and Duke University Health System; projects may apply for up to $5000 in funding.

The application period opens March 1, 2019 and applications are due by 10:00 PM on Sunday, March 31, 2019.

Please see this RFA Announcement for additional details.

Dr. Sexton’s Journey to Patient Safety

Dr. Bryan Sexton’s work with the Duke Center for Healthcare Safety and Quality has been highlighted in a series of articles in the Duke University Health System’s Leadership Café (Duke ID required).

In the first article, we are reminded of Duke’s commitment to the well-being of its workforce. Duke provides many resources to help enhance the resilience of its faculty and staff, including the Enhancing Caregiver Resilience course, taught at the Center by Dr. Sexton, and the upcoming well-being toolkit. The toolkit is being developed by several groups at Duke, including the Center, Healthy Duke, and the DUHS Patient Safety and Clinical Quality office.

The second article is leadership spotlight on Dr. Sexton, highlighting his journey from researching flight safety in Switzerland to becoming director of the Duke Center for Healthcare Safety and Quality. A leading expert on healthcare worker burnout and resilience, Dr. Sexton has been with the Center since 2009.

Duke Raleigh Combines Resilience and Teamwork to Cultivate Change

A new article from American Hospital Association highlights some of the many successes at Duke Raleigh.

In particular, AHA talks about how Duke Raleigh combined the TeamSTEPPS teamwork training curriculum with tools and strategies around resilience and well-being (both taught here at the Center) to create a positive, highly connected workplace.

Find the Article Here

Congratulations to Duke Raleigh! If you’d like to find out more about TeamSTEPPS or our burnout and resilience work, see the THRIVE Program page.

Duke Team Training Travels to Stanford

Duke/AHA/Stanford team members

Duke Team Training (Erin Eckert, Kyle Rehder and Margaret Sturdivant)  traveled to Stanford University earlier this month to deliver the TeamSTEPPS Master Trainer course.

Duke teaches TeamSTEPPS both within the Duke community and to our colleagues around the country and world.

The Stanford team was so kind as to write the Duke team thank you notes on props from an interactive session of the training, which now hang in our office as reminders of the warm west coast welcome we received.


The Power of a Positive Mindset

A recent Duke Today article highlights the value of positivity in the workplace – and in patient safety. Amazing examples of positivity abound all across Duke, ranging from someone who always greets colleagues with a warm smile to a committee focused on planning events for the workplace.

Dr. Carrie Adair, Assistant Director of Research at the Duke Center for Healthcare Safety and Quality, talks in the article about the role of positivity in resilience:

“Some people can find at least a little bit of hope in difficult situations,” Adair said. “And to them, it’s not just wishful thinking. They might know that a situation is bad, but they’re still able to be at least a little optimistic. It can make all the difference when it comes to resilience.”

Read the full article at Duke Today‘s website

Mistakes Happen. Let’s Learn From Them.

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We all make mistakes. Instead of being ashamed or hiding our errors, though, we should feel comfortable discussing the mistake and learning from it.

In a January 29, 2019 article in Duke Today, the Duke Annual Fund team provides a great example of how to turn miscues into a moment to pause and grow. Be on the lookout for some great insight from Dr. Jonathan Bae as well, who is co-convener of the Healthy Duke committee on Mental & Emotional Well-Being and Associate CMO of the Duke University Health System’s Patient Safety and Clinical Quality Office.

Read the Duke Today Article

icon courtesy of Flaticon

Voices of Duke Health: New Podcasts Every Week

Have you heard of the Voices of Duke Health podcast? Led by Anton Zuiker, Director of Communications for the Duke Department of Medicine, and Dr. Jonathan Bae, Associate CMO of Patient Safety and Clinical Quality, this podcast series helps listeners find hope and appreciate the real-life impact of the work we all do at Duke Health.

Each week, Voices of Duke Health uses its Listening Booth to highlight a human interest story and showcase the amazing people and work happening all around us. Meet a patient who is now a Duke Patient Safety Officer, or a doctor and cancer survivor who has used her experience and research to help others cope with distress.

Read More About Voices of Duke Health

Visit the Site and Listen to the Voices of Duke Health

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Have you Seen our Spotlight?


Our Spotlight section  highlights some of the fantastic work happening in healthcare quality and safety with in-depth articles, interviews and more. Check out the first two Spotlight articles on:

  • Dr. Carrie Adair’s research in Improvement Readiness
  • A new strategy for engaging trainees in safety event reporting

Stop by for even more Spotlight articles in the near future!

Welcome to the Center

We’ve rebranded! The Duke Patient Safety Center is now the Duke Center for Healthcare Safety and Quality. Check out our new website, which includes a variety of tools, news and resources, including;

  • List of over 150 publications by our team
  • Spotlight articles on some the great work happening in Quality and Safety
  • Course information and registration
  • Extensive internal, Duke-wide and external resource pages

Welcome and enjoy!

Duke Center for Healthcare Safety and Quality Team