Support & Lead Your Team
Leadership Response to Providing Emotional Support to Our Teams
Emotional support tips and strategies for your team members.
Caring Messages During COVID-19
Caring messages for your team applicable to the COVID-19 pandemic.
How to be a Less-Stressed Leader
Infographic from the Advisory Board.
Moments to Movement Toolkit (Duke manager login required)
Resources for taking a stand against systemic racism and injustice.
Supporting Your Team During Stressful Events
Duke Personal Assistance Services provides strategies for effectively supporting your team during challenging times.
Teamwork toolkit
This toolkit is designed to help you identify concrete strategies to improve and enhance your team.
Caring for Each Other: Real Conversations at Work (Duke login required)
Learn how to create an environment where team members feel
safe, seen, heard and respected.
Second Victim one-pager updated*
Resources for healthcare provider team members involved in an unanticipated adverse event, medical error, or patient-related injury. (*formerly called Support for Second Victims)