In-Person Team Training Courses

In-Person Team Training Courses

TeamSTEPPS® Master Trainer Course (National Course)
Location: Durham, NC

Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS) is an evidence-based set of teamwork tools, aimed at optimizing patient outcomes by improving communication and teamwork skills among health care professionals. The Master Training Course is a 2-day in person course with a train-the-trainer approach. This approach educates participants on the TeamSTEPPS Fundamentals content, provides them with resources for training others, and ensures that they gain the knowledge and training required to implement and coach the behaviors needed to achieve positive results. This course is taught by—and produces—Master Trainers.

As part of the American Hospital Association’s (AHA) Team Training Program, the Duke Center for Healthcare Safety and Quality participates as one of five regional training centers in the United States. Please note, registration for the Duke courses is managed by AHA and will require completion of the registration fields found on the AHA website. For additional information, please visit the AHA Team Training website at:

Upcoming Course Dates (click date to register)

TeamSTEPPS® Master Trainer Course for Outpatient Care
Location: Durham, NC

This 2-day in-person course is a train-the-trainer approach and will focus on the office and clinic setting. The examples, discussions, and exercises are tailored to the medical office environment. It is a full version of TeamSTEPPS, including all of the fundamentals modules as well as modules to assist in implementation.

Upcoming Outpatient Care Course Dates (click date to register)

TeamSTEPPS® Next Steps Workshop
AHA Team Training National Conference

This 1.5-day immersive workshop will refresh TeamSTEPPS tools while using design thinking principles to construct and refine your implementation plan. Not only will you get to interact one-on-one with a nationally renowned, interprofessional faculty group, you’ll walk away with actionable and practical next steps to sustain and spread TeamSTEPPS that you can begin to implement immediately. Participants will earn a TeamSTEPPS Influencer certificate as well as discounts to future AHA Team Training conferences, exclusive sessions, and access to new AHA Team Training materials before the general public.

Next Steps Workshop